A logo is a distinctive and visually impactful symbol, design, or emblem that represents a brand, company, organization, or product. It serves as a unique identifier, instantly recognizable to consumers and the public, conveying the essence and identity of the entity it represents. Logos are carefully crafted to encapsulate the values, personality, and mission of the brand, often combining elements such as typography, colors, and imagery to create a memorable and meaningful visual representation. A well-designed logo not only helps in brand recognition but also communicates a sense of trust, professionalism, and credibility, making it a crucial element in marketing and brand identity. The importance of a logo cannot be overstated in the world of branding and business. A well-designed logo serves as the visual cornerstone of a company’s identity, instantly communicating its values, personality, and purpose to the world. It acts as a powerful symbol that fosters recognition and recall among consumers, helping to differentiate the brand from competitors in a crowded marketplace. A memorable logo builds trust and credibility, making it easier for customers to connect with and choose a brand. Additionally, logos can be versatile, appearing on everything from products and packaging to marketing materials and digital platforms, reinforcing brand consistency and unity across various touchpoints. In essence, a logo is not just a graphic; it’s a vital tool for brand recognition, loyalty, and successful marketing.

For this Project, I decided to have 4 logos designed, 2 designed by a Creative Manager with amazing design skills, Robinson Aryee (CEO of Aryee Studios), and the other 2 designed by Logo Maker (An Artificial Intelligence Logo Maker). Both Robin and the generative AI logo maker will produce one logo each for “Digibar” and “Digiby”. In the end, the best-designed logos will be used for both websites.

So to get two logos from Robin I had to reach out to him. Robin initially decided to charge me $1000 for both logos. But with my great negotiation skills 😎  , I was able to get him to design both logos for $500.  Also, from the chat, Robin will need two weeks to design the logos.  Find screenshots of my chat with Robin below. 

Chat Page 1
Chat Page 2
Chat Page 3


Right after my chat with Robin, I did some research on Google for “free generative ai logo generator free download”. A couple of  websites came up and after testing most of them out, I decided to go with Logo.com. They provide a user-friendly and intuitive platform that simplifies the logo creation process.  The platform also leverages AI technology to provide design suggestions based on your preferences, saving you time and effort in the creative process. The best part is their free Plan provides 5 free logo designs with High-resolution logo files.

Logo Maker Pricing

Step 1: After signing up, you enter your business name and click on “Continue” button.

Step 2: Next you have an option to add your slogan. You can skip this step if you don’t want to add a slogan.

Step 3: Next you choose your industry.

Step 4: Next you select your color theme.

Step 5: Next you, select your font style.

Step 6: Next you select your logo type i.e if you want your logo with or without an icon.

Step 7: Finally you add keywords to find the right icon if you choose the “With Icons” option.

Right after these 7 steps, a couple of logo options were created and I chose one. The whole logo creation process took about 5 mins, plus 45 minutes of doing research to get to the logo.com website. So 50 minutes in all I had generated two logos for free. I can’t show the generated logos now. I am currently waiting for 10 business days to get the other two logos from Robin. Then I will do a survey and ask some industry players and my fellow cohorts to help me choose the best-designed logos. For part 2 of the logo design process, I will show all 4 logos created and the results of the survey I conducted.

Stay tuned and join me on this exciting quest to understand the future of content creation and SEO. Your SEO game is about to level up!

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