Hello World! first, this article you are reading was not written by any AI  content generator (yes my whole life is not only about using AI tools. I can also do stuff on my own without the help of any AI tools…😅) but this has taken me a couple of days (3-4days)  to get it together. This shows that although generative AI has its drawbacks, it can help make work much more effective and efficient. In 2023, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced remarkable advancements and it’s not surprising there are several content generators and AI writers now. Let’s delve into the 4 best FREE AI content generators you can use for your writing assistance, creative projects, marketing and advertising, data analysis and visualization, personal productivity, etc. For most of my research, I will be looking into “FREE” AI tools to help students, individuals, startups, and even well-established businesses (everyone prefers FREE options, right? 😊)

4 free best ai writers

Based on the research I did, I came up with these 4 FREE to use content generators (well let me issue a disclaimer and add that these tools are free as of today’s date: June 18, 2023) You may never know when the owners of each of these content generators I’m about to reveal will change their minds and start charging for their AI tools. “Midjourney” (an AI image generator tool) was free when I used it for my assignments in February earlier this year, only for me to try to use it for my research this July 2023 and I was asked to purchase a plan. 😒

For each of the AI writer tools, I tested it with the same prompt “Write me a persona for a pet walker app” I will share the results of each of the results that were produced.  

ChatGPT is a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. ChatGPT is designed to engage in conversational interactions, providing responses and information on various topics. It can understand and generate text in a coherent and contextually relevant manner, making it a valuable tool for tasks such as answering questions, generating creative content, and offering assistance in natural language processing tasks.

Ease of Use: Web-enabled and very easy to use.

Prompt Results

“Name: Olivia Parker

Age: 28

Occupation: Pet Walker

Bio: Olivia is a passionate animal lover with years of experience in caring for pets. Her dedication to providing top-notch care for animals led her to become a professional pet walker. She has always had a deep connection with animals and believes in the importance of regular exercise and companionship for their overall well-being.

Personality: Olivia is an outgoing and friendly individual who effortlessly connects with both pets and their owners. She exudes a calm and patient demeanor, putting even the most anxious pets at ease. Her responsible and reliable nature makes her a trusted choice among pet owners who rely on her to ensure the safety and happiness of their furry companions.

Interests: Olivia spends her free time exploring nature trails and parks, always on the lookout for new pet-friendly spots. She enjoys reading about animal behavior and training techniques to enhance her knowledge and improve her skills as a pet walker. Olivia also volunteers at local animal shelters, advocating for pet adoption and welfare.

Experience: Olivia has been walking pets professionally for five years. She has experience handling a wide variety of animals, from small dogs and cats to larger breeds and even exotic pets. Her clients appreciate her attention to detail, as she takes note of any specific instructions, dietary restrictions, or health concerns for each pet she cares for.

Qualifications: Olivia holds a certification in Pet First Aid and CPR, ensuring that she can respond swiftly and appropriately in case of any emergencies. She has completed specialized training in leash handling, behavior management, and recognizing signs of distress or illness in pets. Her extensive experience has honed her skills in managing various temperaments and breeds.

Why choose Olivia: Olivia’s genuine love for animals, combined with her expertise and professionalism, makes her an exceptional choice for the pet walker app. She provides a personalized approach, tailoring her services to meet the specific needs of each pet. Pet owners can trust Olivia to provide reliable and compassionate care, allowing them to have peace of mind while they’re away.

Testimonial: “”Olivia has been walking our dog, Max, for over a year now, and we couldn’t be happier with her services. She truly understands Max’s needs and always goes the extra mile to ensure he gets the exercise and attention he deserves. Olivia is not just a pet walker; she’s become an extended part of our family. We highly recommend her to anyone looking for a trustworthy and caring professional.”” – Sarah and Mark, Max’s owners.”

My Thoughts: Chat GPT provided a very comprehensive user persona , I am fascinated by how ChatGPT , gave an amazing demographic and also grouped the user persona request into Bio , Personality , Interests , Experience and Qualifications. ChatGPT came up with a persona of an actual Pet walker. From a UI/UX point of view , it would have been great if the results had been a persona of a user of the app rather than the actual pet walker . But overall the results were outstanding and provided lots of information.

Bing AI is the artificial intelligence technology used by Microsoft’s search engine, Bing. It incorporates machine learning and natural language processing techniques to enhance the search experience for users. Bing AI enables features such as intelligent suggestions, auto-completion, and voice search. It can understand user queries more effectively, providing relevant search results and refining the results based on context. Bing AI also powers other Microsoft services, such as Cortana, to deliver personalized and intelligent assistance to users. tasks.

Ease of Use: Requires Microsoft Edge download. At the time of doing this research, I did not have Microsoft Edge installed on my PC. It took me a couple of minutes to download and start using Bing AI. Maybe Microsoft developers can think about making Bing AI accessible when using other browsers.

Prompt Results

“Name: Sarah Age: 28 Occupation: Graphic Designer Location: San Francisco, CA

Sarah is a busy professional who loves her dog, Max. She works long hours and often has to stay late at the office. She wants to make sure Max gets enough exercise and socialization, but she doesn’t always have the time or energy to take him for long walks or to the dog park.

Sarah is looking for a reliable and trustworthy pet walker who can take Max for walks during the day while she’s at work. She wants to be able to easily schedule and pay for walks through an app, and she wants to receive updates and photos of Max while he’s out with his walker.”

My Thoughts: I am happy with the way Bing.ai gave a precise user persona, stating the demographics, users’ frustrations, and goals. For a UI/UX project, Bing’s ai response would be great to use as a User persona example. I believe Bing ai’s conversation style options, which are “More Creative”, “More Balanced” and “More Precise” is a great feature that helps users achieve their desired results. After using the prompt “Write me a persona for a pet walker app” I also chose the “More Precisive” conversation style option and my results are exactly what I desired i.e. short and straight to the point. Apart from the uneasy manner(which is having to download Microsoft Edge if you don’t already have it installed) a user has to go through before using Bing’s ai, it is a great AI system.

Googlebard is a language model developed by Google, inspired by OpenAI’s ChatGPT. It is designed to facilitate conversational interactions and provide users with helpful responses. Googlebard leverages Google’s vast knowledge graph and search index to offer information and insights on a wide range of topics. The model can engage in dialogue, answer questions, and generate text that is informative and contextually relevant. Googlebard aims to enhance user experiences by providing conversational assistance and engaging in meaningful interactions.

Ease of Use: Hold on, one second, let me turn on my VPN. Okay, here we go. It is surprising google bard is available in more than 180 countries but is still not available in Canada and some EU nations. In an email statement, the company explained that it is rolling out Bard “gradually” and that it is working closely with experts and policymakers to ensure that Bard aligns with local requirements.😏. If you are in Canada or any of the EU nations affected and you need a FREE VPN to use, I suggest you try Proton VPN – It’s pretty simple to Sign Up and use.

Prompt Results

“Name: Linda Trang

Age: 35

Occupation: Software Engineer

Location: San Francisco, CA

Income: $100,000

Marital status: Single

Pets: 1 dog (Copper)

Pain points:

Linda works long hours and often travels for work. She doesn’t have time to walk her dog during the day.
Linda is worried about leaving her dog alone for long periods of time. She wants to make sure her dog is getting enough exercise and attention.
Linda wants to find a reliable and affordable pet walker.

Linda wants to find a pet walker who can walk her dog during the day when she’s at work.
Linda wants to find a pet walker who is reliable and affordable.
Linda wants to be able to trust her pet walker to take good care of her dog.

A pet walker can provide her dog with the exercise and attention it needs while she’s at work.
A pet walker can give her peace of mind knowing that her dog is being taken care of.
A pet walker can save her time and money.
How a pet walker app can help:

A pet walker app can help Linda find a reliable and affordable pet walker in her area. The app can also allow her to communicate with her pet walker and track her dog’s activity. This can give Linda peace of mind knowing that her dog is getting the care it needs.

Here are some additional features that a pet walker app could have:

The ability to filter pet walkers by location, price, and experience.
The ability to read reviews of pet walkers.
The ability to schedule walks in advance.
The ability to track walks and see photos of her dog.
A pet walker app can be a valuable tool for pet owners who need help taking care of their pets. By providing features that make it easy to find, book, and track walks, a pet walker app can help pet owners save time, money, and peace of mind.”

My Thoughts: After writing the prompt “Write me a persona for a pet walker app” google bard came up with an outstanding response. The demographics were great, and also categorized the pain points and goals of the user persona, in a manner any user researcher will go about it. I love the response and although there were no conversation-style options like Bing AI, the response was precise and great. 

Chatsonic is an AI-powered conversational agent that specializes in generating natural language responses. Developed by an independent research team, Chatsonic employs deep learning techniques to understand and generate text based on user input. It is designed to provide human-like responses in real-time conversations, making it suitable for applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and customer support systems. Chatsonic’s goal is to create engaging and interactive conversations that mimic human communication patterns and improve user experiences.

Ease of Use: Chatsonic is also web enable and easy to use. The sign-up process was fast as well.

Prompt Results

“Name: Emily
Age: 25
Profession: Freelance Writer
Location: Downtown, Chicago

Emily is a freelance writer who spends most of her day working from home. She loves animals and has a cat named Oliver, but she cannot commit to getting a dog due to her busy schedule. However, she loves to take breaks from her writing and go for walks around her neighborhood. One day, she stumbled upon a flyer for a pet walking app and decided to give it a try. Emily has been using the app for a few months now, and she loves it. She has made some new furry friends and enjoys taking them for walks while getting some fresh air and exercise herself. Emily appreciates the convenience of the app and the peace of mind knowing that her new furry friends are getting the attention and exercise they need.”

My Thoughts: Chatsonic’s sign-up was one of the easiest. Chatsonic’s response was okay and had some drawbacks i.e. coming from a UI/UX perspective.(let me know your thoughts) Chatsonic provided a good demographic and an interesting bio but then went on to tell a story about the user which is not needed in the response I was expecting for a UI/UX research.


Overall I think all four AI Writers provided great content and all responses were provided in under 10 seconds. Based on the prompt I gave all four AI writing tools, Google Bard’s response is my favorite amongst all the 4 AI Writers. This is because as a UI/UX designer, it provided me with Demographics, Pain Points, Goals, and Benefits that I need(Kindly share your favorite response with me in the comment section and let me know why).

Interestingly. all names (i.e. Olivia, Sarah, Linda, and Emily)  provided by the four Generative AI types were females. Got me wondering why? I decided to check up on Google and got to know there is 70.8 percent of female dog walkers and 29.2% of male dog walkers. This really shows these AI systems really get their info from data provided to them.

I was also interested to know why two of the four AI writers chose San Francisco, California as the location of the pet walkers and one chose Chicago. Upon some Google research, I got some statistics from Zippia.com below.

The most popular places for dog walkers are New York and Chicago whereas the highest rank of number of jobs by State for dog walkers is California.

Comparing the names and locations provided by the AI Writers with the Gender and location database provided by Google and Zippia.com, I believe although AI and Generative AI has some drawbacks, there are some facts or truths in the response they provide. We as humans however have to make sure we check the responses provided by these Generative AI tools to prevent any misinformation or biases the AI tools provide. The AI tools provide us with responses based on data it has been given, so there is no way they can provide us with 100%  quality content. The AI tools however make our work much more effective and efficient by providing us with responses that would have taken us more time to gather. It all comes back to us humans double checking the responses to ensure there is no bias and ensure its ethical use. (AI wouldn’t know that, maybe, for now, developers keep on improving the tools)

 I strongly recommend you do not use only one AI  Writing tool for your research, project, assignments et al. It will be great to get responses from all of the Generative AI tools and choose one or maybe combine the response to suit your desired results. 

PS: Always add the human factor by checking for biases and whether it is ethical.