Content generation process - digibar

Getting a compelling copy for your website is essential for engaging your audience and conveying your message effectively. There are various avenues to source content, but two popular options are hiring a freelancer from a platform like Fiverr or enlisting the services of a professional copywriting company, such as the renowned “Writing Studio.”

Fiverr is a treasure trove of freelancers, and finding a copywriter there is relatively easy. To get copy for your website through Fiverr, you can start by searching for copywriters who specialize in your niche or industry. Read through their profiles, reviews, and sample works to gauge their writing skills and previous clients’ satisfaction. Once you’ve narrowed down your options, you can directly communicate with potential freelancers, discussing your project’s specific requirements, timeline, and budget. Fiverr offers a user-friendly interface to facilitate this process. However, when choosing a Fiverr freelancer, be cautious and ensure the writer can deliver content that aligns with your brand and effectively communicates your message.

On the other hand, engaging the services of a copywriting company like “Writing Studio” can offer a more comprehensive and reliable approach to securing website content. Professional copywriting companies often employ a team of experienced writers, editors, and project managers, ensuring that your project receives the expertise it deserves. To initiate this process, you can start by contacting Writing Studio through their website, explaining your needs, goals, and target audience. They may then assign a dedicated writer or team to your project based on your specific requirements. Copywriting companies usually have a streamlined workflow, from content creation to editing and proofreading, ensuring high-quality and polished results. Moreover, they often have an established reputation, which provides a level of trust and accountability. However, it is crucial to discuss all aspects of your project, including pricing, timelines, and revisions, before committing to their services.

Both options have their merits and potential drawbacks. Freelancers on Fiverr may offer more competitive pricing, and you have the flexibility to choose a writer based on their unique style and voice. This approach can be suitable for smaller projects or those with a limited budget. However, working with freelancers may involve a more hands-on approach to project management, including overseeing revisions and ensuring timely delivery.

Conversely, copywriting companies like “Writing Studio” are generally more structured and offer a broader range of services. They have the advantage of being able to handle more extensive and complex projects while maintaining consistency in quality and brand messaging. Nevertheless, these services can be more costly, and you may have less influence over the specific writer assigned to your project.

Upon visiting the Fiverr website I came across Levi N’s profile who is a top-rated freelancer. Levi is charging $312 for 1,000 words, this would translate to a total cost of $3,120 for the entire Digibar, 10,000-word project. i.e: 8 pages and 2 blog posts (1000 words for each page)  

Writing Studio’s pricing structure offers a straightforward and transparent approach to content creation. With a rate of $0.20 per word. For Digibar’s project which requires 10,000 words of content, the total cost would amount to $2,000. This competitive pricing model can be particularly advantageous for larger projects, as it provides a cost-effective solution while maintaining a high level of professionalism and quality. 

On average, a 10,000-word copy for a website project like Digibar, will cost $2500. Thanks to a valuable professional relationship with Grace, a copywriter, and a former work colleague, I have the opportunity to obtain the same top-notch service for  $1,000. Grace’s expertise and understanding of my specific needs make this not only a cost-effective option but also a reliable one. This is a reminder of the importance of maintaining strong professional connections, as it can lead to exceptional opportunities and cost savings.😎Find screenshots of my chat with Grace below.

Chat Page 1
Chat Page 2
Chat Page 3

It took Grace  10 business days to generate content for the Homepage, About Us Page, Main Service Page, Website Design Service Page, UI/UX Design Service Page, Copywriting Page, Search Engine Optimization Page, Contact Us Page, and 2 Blog Posts. Grace also provided the SEO Title, Meta Descriptions, and Alt texts for images for Digibar Website. Find Grace’s copy she provided below. Click on the icon to download PDF.

Grace, has a well-defined process for crafting copy for any website that reflects her expertise and dedication to copywriting. Her method combines extensive research, selective content curation, and the art of transforming borrowed content into something unique and captivating. To begin, Grace immerses herself in the realm of digital marketing by going online and downloading PDFs and articles related to the subject. She understands the value of knowledge and believes that in-depth understanding is the foundation of effective copy. Therefore, she reads extensively, absorbing the intricacies of digital marketing, which enables her to write with authority and authenticity. Grace’s approach doesn’t stop at theoretical research. She believes in practical exposure. Hence, the next step involves visiting the websites of digital marketing agencies, where she delves into the products and services they offer. Her focus lies not only on the services themselves but also on the content these agencies use to present them. By analyzing their copy, she can discern the elements that make it impactful and engaging. What sets Grace apart is her keen eye for identifying content that is not only informative but also creative and meaningful. She selectively picks pieces that resonate with her objectives, providing a valuable source of inspiration. However, her intention is not to replicate these pieces verbatim. Instead, she adopts them as a foundation upon which she builds her own content. With the knowledge amassed through her research, Grace embarks on the creative process of rewriting and generating her original content. She is meticulous in ensuring that her work is distinct from the material she initially borrowed. This transformation involves infusing her unique voice, style, and perspective into the content. Grace’s expertise lies in turning the ordinary into the extraordinary, making the information she imparts both meaningful and captivating. Her end goal is to craft content that not only educates but also captivates and persuades her audience, whether they are seeking information on digital marketing or looking for services in the field. Grace’s methodology reflects the essence of effective copywriting—going beyond the surface and diving into the subject matter. Her thorough research and ability to extract valuable insights from existing content enable her to create pieces that stand out in the digital landscape. By combining her knowledge with the art of rewriting and infusing creativity, she delivers copy that is not only informative but also compelling and attention-grabbing.